Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Chronicles: The Beginning

Hello there,

It's been three strange weeks as we all shelter in place here in California. Like the rest of you, we have been trying to figure out how to continue some kind of normal enriching life. I haven't been working at my lovely yarn store for three weeks, but Tom is still working at the hospital. We are lucky that most of our income comes from Tom's job, and I was able to get unemployment. This means we haven't been economically effected in a major way, which is a blessing.

Neither of us fall into high risk groups, even with me being pregnant. So we are keeping to the safety procedures, but mostly for others safety. We have been missing our close people. My sister and her household are completely locked down, because of someone in her household that is very high risk. My grandparents are also fully isolated, and most people I know are generally not taking visitors. The world seems a bit lonely than it did three weeks ago, but I've got very good at video chats and have three different apps so I can chat with all my different people.

The saddest thing for me so far has been the fact that I don't get to share my first pregnancy with others besides Tom. It's definitely not that worst news some people have right now, but it's been sad for us. On the other side it's been a positive thing we have to think and focus on. This has kept us motivated to stay active and have been taking long walks most days and are keeping up on our strength workouts. Which feels great to do when we're not as able to be out and about.

After the first week we realized we were spending so much time on the computer and were sick of it. So we decided to try an experiment and not go on the computer for anything other than looking up specific stuff. We wanted to see what parts of our lives were being effected and how long it would take to kick the addiction and browsing. For caffeine it takes five days to go back to normal, so maybe it would be similar to that.

It was a great second week! The first day so or we spent a lot of time just trying to come up with things to do, but we came up with some long term goals and got to them pretty fast. We decided to declutter the whole apartment and were just able to finish today. We also had some fun with sewing and Melody (our cat) got into some fun while we were working. I'll be writing a few posts on those things, since I'm bored and I thought some of you might be as well. Hope you enjoy reading and that it relieves some of your bored during these times.

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