Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Dedication to Cernunnos

Last summer I did something I never thought I would, I dedicated myself to a deity. I've worked with spirits my whole life, but not until recently did I work with deities. Honestly, just saying "I worked with a deity" sounds wrong and disrespectful. I feel deities are the same as other spirits, but older and more powerful. For them to even notice me seemed unlikely and arrogant to assume.  

However there has always been an energy or force that I've spent my life being drawn to, even knowing that it would be a challenging path to walk and attempting to walk another. That is where the name for this blog comes from "Undomesticated". It was this wild force that would not allow me to join into the normal flow of life many other take. I could never make myself fit into the shapes needed to do the things so many do everyday, month and year. 

After learning more about myself and the deity connected to the name Cernunnos I realized there was something different about this energy than just a personality trait or a little spirit. It was something much more powerful than that. I knew it was Cernunnos when I read about him and not just the horned god in general. He was different from the rest. He was wild, but not "out of control". He was in control of himself, but nothing else controlled him, nothing else could. There is a nobleness about Cernunnos that isn't always connected to wild gods. That was the part that made me sure it was him that called me so powerfully. 

I couldn't deny it any longer, there was a deity that called out to me, my spirit was drawn so strongly to it that I couldn't possibly turn away. So I accepted it and myself fully. This was the way I am and I would have to live according to this energy and what it represents or I would not find happiness within myself. That's when I decided to ritually dedicate myself to Cernunnos. 

I was lucky enough to preform this ritual in a group of other pagans. They were dedicating themselves to their own deities the same day and it made for a very powerful experience. This of course doesn't mean you need a group to dedicate yourself, but for me it was rewarding to do so. Here's the ritual:

I began the ritual with just a robe on and quickly removed it, preforming the ritual sky clad. I felt this was the best way to express my dedication. I then cleansed myself with burning cedar and awaiting my time to speak. 

Once everything was set I began my dedication:

“Great voice in the woods,
You call to me,
Your voice shakes my soul.
I have tried to ignore your song,
To follow others way of life,
But I find myself humming your tune,
Singing it under my breath.
I accept now that I am of you.
My soul was born to dance to your song,
no challenge can keep me from your side.
I know that my place is forever with you,
Singing along on the great hunt.”

“I ask for your forgiveness,
For the time I spent quieting the wildness inside me.
It hurt me,
It hurt to turn away from you.
I will never do it again.
I will never deny you,
For my soul is made from your smile.
I feared the pain of not being able to reach you.
For your feet are the fastest,
and I may never catch up,
But to never look and chase after you,
Would be a fate worse than death.”

At this point in the ritual I planned to un-robe, but in actual practice I went sky clad earlier. Finish up with the rest:
I run with you always.
From today onwards,
I am yours, as I always have been.
I will sing your song,
and dance your dance.
You have my heart, my soul and my body.”
Then place the oak crown on your head, expressing your connection to Cernunnos, but also becoming the offering itself. Lastly I finished off with this:

“Thank you for never giving up on me.”

Then I had another member of the group draw the symbol for Cernunnos on my chest with henna. You can also use something else, I wanted to have the reminder on my body for an extended amount of time. However, ashes paint or many other mediums would work fine.

We were lucky enough that the home we conducted the ritual had a pool and we finished off the ritual by diving in all sky clad. It was a soothing way to finish off some very powerful magic.

Have any of you dedicated yourself before? Or do you have a deity that you find yourself connecting to strongly? Are any of you fond of Cernunnos? Or want to know more about him? I would love to hear from you! 


  1. i can't even read plz change the backgroud or the ink color of your text

  2. I too wish to follow in the great hunt and in his footsteps as if my own thankyou for enlightening me.

  3. Cernunnos is calling to me very strongly!! I had a life altering foundation affirming confirmation that my intuition is razor sharp! There was a member of my family who had been seeing a man who was very bad news, I made the difficult choice to separate myself from them and the family! Everyone in my family defended them and their relationship and called me crazy, everyone except for my husband that is, he’s seen enough of my intuition in action to know there was truth to my concerns. This battle had been going on for 2 years and came to a head just before the most recent lunar eclipse on the 14, everyone was angry that I was ruining Christmas and pulling the family apart. I made the hard decision to keep trusting my intuition and told my mother in law that if she couldn’t respect my boundaries than she wouldn’t be allowed to see my daughter anymore. This was a BIG blow up, it almost broke my marriage. I spoke with my family member and asked them to tell the truth, the truth I knew and the truth I didn’t. On the eve of the lunar eclipse I began a spell to make her tell the truth, this family member is a manipulative gaslighter who lives life like a chess game! At this time I also started to do some deep shadow work. After a particularly cruel verbal barrage from my mother in law, I started to think the spell wasn’t working and to doubt myself, my convictions and my intuition, miraculously my husband who was very angry at me for cutting his mother off. stepped in, he said something told him to call a police friend of his to do a background check on the person our family member was dating. Everything came to light yesterday! My call for the truth was granted! It turns out that this bad-vibe person that my intuition told me to stay away from has a wrap sheet that is 12 years long and he was using the family cottage as a home base to rob homes and cottages in the areas surrounding us. I am so elated! I go between pure joy and bitter anger at my in-laws! I thought it was Hecate who helped me because I had been drawn to her and to reading about her, I even began to thank her for helping me when I found out it wasn’t her but Cernunnos who helped me. Hearing him speak to me frightened me, I asked him what he wanted in return and he told me he wants my soul! That really terrified me!!! WTH does that even mean!? He asked me to drink milk and honey, and to make love to my husband to thank him for trusting me, during which my husband said he had a strong smell of roses what was all that about!!?? This morning I sat and asked what Cernunnos means by wanting my soul bc this request terrifies me, and he told me I need healing around my relationship with men, my father is a narcissist, my brother is an abusive drug addict, I’ve been deeply hurt by men who were supposed to protect me so I have a deep wound, resentment and contempt around men! He told me that he is going to help heal me so I can be a more powerful, fully realized witch. I then found your blog post after reading it I asked if this is what he meant by wanting my soul, and I was told yes, he wants me to commit myself to him. I know this sounds FUCKING INSANE!!! I have NEVER experienced ANYTHING LIKE THIS! The last month has been the most terrifying, sad, infuriating growth inducing time in my magickal life!

  4. Your contact and infusion of The Great horned lord of all forests and it's wild animals has been for reasons, good reasons.Firstly, that you are worthy, second, Green mantle has always existed, and his partner,Ceridwen, mother earth, needs us, through Him right now.Continue your path, blessings be upon your endeavours.

    1. I have recently become drawn to both Cernunnos and Cerridwen. I am new to paganism, and as soon as I heard their names I was instantly drawn to both of them. As I learned about them, and began to meditate on them, my connection to them has grown. They are magnificent.
